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福島原子力発電所事故由来の難固定核種の新規ハイブリッド固化への挑戦と合理的な処分概念の構築・安全評価(委託研究); 令和4年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業

廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東京工業大学*

JAEA-Review 2024-012, 122 Pages, 2024/09




Uncovering the characteristics of plastic-associated biofilm from the inland river system of Mongolia

Battulga, B.; Munkhbat, D.*; 松枝 誠; 安藤 麻里子; Oyuntsetseg, B.*; 小嵐 淳; 川東 正幸*

Environmental Pollution, 357, p.124427_1 - 124427_10, 2024/09



Enhancing mechanical properties of medium Mn steel by warm rolling based on laminated elemental segregation

Chen, H. F.*; Liu, B. X.*; 徐 平光; Fang, W.*; Tong, H. C.*; Yin, F. X.*

Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 32, p.3060 - 3069, 2024/09

The hot-rolled microstructure of medium Mn steel has coarse grains and severe elemental segregation, resulting in low strength and plasticity. Constructing a multiphase structure, refining the microstructure, and regulating elemental segregation enhance the mechanical properties. In this study, liquid nitrogen treatment created a layered distribution of austenite and martensite. Warm rolling was then used to reduce layer thickness and refine grain structure. After liquid nitrogen and warm rolling treatments, the strength and plasticity of medium Mn steel increased to 1270 MPa and 23.3%, respectively, far exceeding the hot-rolled state (724 MPa, 12.8%). Warm rolling also triggers austenite reverted transformation (ART) and introduces high-density dislocations, further improving austenite stability. This strengthening effect is higher than that from intercritical annealing alone. Improved austenite stability delays the transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) effect, preventing brittle fracture and enhancing deformation coordination between layers, significantly increasing the plastic deformation capacity of medium Mn steel.


Thinning behavior of solid boron carbide immersed in molten stainless steel for core disruptive accident of sodium-cooled fast reactor

江村 優軌; 高井 俊秀; 菊地 晋; 神山 健司; 山野 秀将; 横山 博紀*; 坂本 寛*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(7), p.911 - 920, 2024/07

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Boron carbide (B$$_4$$C)- stainless steel (SS) eutectic reaction behavior is one of the most important issues in the core disruptive accidents (CDAs) of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs). In this study, the immersion experiments using B$$_4$$C pellets with molten SS were conducted to evaluate the CDA sequences such as contact event of solid B$$_4$$C with degraded core materials including SS at very high temperature. The immersion experiment aims at understanding the kinetic behavior of solid B$$_4$$C-liquid SS reaction based on the reduced thickness of B$$_4$$C pellet after the experiment in the temperature ranges from 1763 to 1943 K, which is higher than the temperature of solid B$$_4$$C-solid SS reaction. Based on the kinetic consideration of the reaction rate constants for solid B$$_4$$C-liquid SS reaction, it was found that similar temperature dependency was identified between solid B$$_4$$C-liquid SS and solid B$$_4$$C-solid SS. Besides, the reaction rate constants of solid B$$_4$$C-liquid SS were smaller than those of solid B$$_4$$C-solid SS extrapolated in higher temperature region by two or more orders of magnitude due to two different evaluation method for B$$_4$$C side/SS side. It was confirmed that this difference was reasonable through the consideration of previous reaction tests in solid-solid contact for B$$_4$$C side/SS side.


The Development of Petri Net-based continuous Markov Chain Monte Carlo methodology applying to dynamic probability risk assessment for multi-state resilience systems with repairable multi-component interdependency under longtermly thereat

Li, C.-Y.; 渡部 晃*; 内堀 昭寛; 岡野 靖

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(7), p.935 - 957, 2024/07

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:63.33(Nuclear Science & Technology)

For all the nuclear reactor systems, quantitative assessment of the accident management (AM) effects against long-term external hazards became one of the essential issues after the lesson learned from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. However, the influence from the safety systems' stochastic and dynamic shifting between multiple working states, which is related to the interaction with the adjacent components/systems in general, has not been accounted for yet. Therefore, this research aims to develop a dynamic probability risk assessment tool considering repairable multi-component interdependency for investigating the AM influences on the multi-state safety systems under long-term external hazards. Based on the newly proposed methodology in this research via integrating the Petri Net (PN) model with the continuous Markov chain Monte Carlo (CMMC) method, a framework applying PN-CMMC methodology to a severe accident analysis code, SPECTRA, had been originally constructed. Different AM influences on the multi-state decay heat removal systems against long-term volcanic ashfall were also quantitatively confirmed, indicating that halving the repairing time is more influential in suppressing the core damage frequency than doubling the number of adjacent electricity support systems. Therefore, the PN-CMMC-SPECTRA framework can further assess the uncharted dynamic multi-state concerns, leading to a safer AM strategy.


Consideration of the dielectric response for radiation chemistry simulations

樋川 智洋; 甲斐 健師; 熊谷 友多; 横谷 明徳*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 160(21), p.214119_1 - 214119_9, 2024/06



Impact of uncertainty reduction on lead-bismuth coolant in accelerator-driven system using sample reactivity experiments

方野 量太; 大泉 昭人; 福島 昌宏; Pyeon, C. H.*; 山本 章夫*; 遠藤 知弘*

Nuclear Science and Engineering, 198(6), p.1215 - 1234, 2024/06

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)



革新的水質浄化剤の開発による環境問題低減化技術の開拓(委託研究); 令和4年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業

廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 信州大学*

JAEA-Review 2023-053, 87 Pages, 2024/05




Analysis of the relationship between operational quantity used for area monitoring and protection quantity for external exposure

遠藤 章

JAEA-Research 2024-002, 90 Pages, 2024/05


本報告書は、光子、中性子、電子、陽電子、陽子、ミューオン、パイ中間子及びヘリウムイオンによる外部被ばくについて、エリアモニタリングに用いられる3つの量である周辺線量当量$$H^*$$(10)、最大線量当量$$H^*_textrm{max}$$及び周辺線量$$H$$$$^{*}$$と実効線量との関係を包括的に分析した結果を示す。分析のための計算は、PHITS (Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System)とICRU球を用いて行った。その結果、ICRP Publication 116で対象としている幅広いエネルギー範囲における外部被ばくに対して、$$H^*$$(10)と$$H^*_textrm{max}$$は実効線量の評価に大きな差を生じる場合がある一方、$$H$$$$^{*}$$はエリアモニタリングに許容される範囲で実効線量を保守的に評価できることが分かった。すなわち、実効線量を評価するために、$$H^*$$(10)と$$H^*_textrm{max}$$には限界があり、より適切な量として$$H$$$$^{*}$$の使用が推奨される。この結論は、多様な被ばく状況における実効線量の評価に$$H$$$$^{*}$$を導入したICRU Report 95の提案を支持するものである。周辺線量$$H$$$$^{*}$$の利用は、医療や学術研究における放射線利用や航空機搭乗時の被ばく等の様々な種類の放射線により被ばくする状況で特に重要であり、放射線防護の対象の拡大に伴う放射線モニタリングの新たなニーズに応えることができる。


Time-dependent change in occurrence rate of steam generator tube leak in sodium-cooled fast reactors; Phenix and BN-600

栗坂 健一

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 11(2), p.23-00377_1 - 23-00377_14, 2024/04




神川 豊; 鈴木 真琴; 安掛 寿紀; 村上 貴彦; 森田 祐介; 椎名 秀徳; 福島 学; 平根 伸彦; 大内 靖弘

JAEA-Technology 2023-030, 57 Pages, 2024/03


航空機落下事故に関するデータが原子力規制庁により更新されたことに伴い、原子力科学研究所における航空機落下確率を再評価するため、経済産業省原子力安全・保安院「実用発電用原子炉施設への航空機落下確率の評価基準について(内規)」に基づき評価を行い、原子力科学研究所の各施設における航空機落下確率を評価した。評価の結果、航空機落下確率の総和は最大となる放射性廃棄物処理場において 5.68$$times$$10$$^{-8}$$回/(炉・年))であり、航空機落下を「想定される外部人為事象」として設計上考慮する必要があるか否かの基準である 10$$^{-7}$$回/(炉・年))を超えないことを確認した。



外川 織彦; 奥野 浩

JAEA-Review 2023-043, 94 Pages, 2024/03


日本語で記載された原子力防災分野の文書を英語に翻訳するために、災害対策基本法、原子力災害対策特別措置法及び原子力の安全に関する条約について、日本語と英語の対訳を調査した。調査結果を統合し、統一的な英対訳を選択した。この結果として、原子力防災分野における専門 用語の和英対訳表を作成し、提案した。


Quantum critical behavior of the hyperkagome magnet Mn$$_3$$CoSi

山内 宏樹; Sari, D. P.*; 安井 幸夫*; 坂倉 輝俊*; 木村 宏之*; 中尾 朗子*; 大原 高志; 本田 孝志*; 樹神 克明; 井川 直樹; et al.

Physical Review Research (Internet), 6(1), p.013144_1 - 013144_9, 2024/02

$$beta$$-Mn-type family alloys Mn$$_3$$$$TX$$ have three-dimensional antiferromagnetic (AFM) corner-shared triangular network. The antiferromagnet Mn$$_3$$RhSi shows magnetic short-range order (SRO) over a wide temperature range of approximately 500 K above the N$'{e}$el temperature $$T_{rm N}$$ = 190 K. Mn$$_3$$CoSi has the smallest lattice parameter and the lowest $$T_{rm N}$$ in the family compounds. The quantum critical point (QCP) from AFM to the quantum paramagnetic state is expected near a cubic lattice parameter of 6.15 $AA. Although $T_N$$ of Mn$$_3$$CoSi is only 140 K, quantum critical behavior is observed in Mn$$_3$$CoSi as the enhancement of the electronic specific heat coefficient $$gamma$$. We study how the magnetic SRO appears in Mn$$_3$$CoSi by using neutron scattering, $$mu$$SR, and physical property measurements. The experimental results show that the neutron scattering intensity of the magnetic SRO does not change much regardless of the suppressed magnetic moment in the long-range magnetic ordered state compared to those of Mn$$_3$$RhSi. The initial asymmetry drop ratio of $$mu$$SR above $$T_{rm N}$$ becomes small, and the magnetic SRO temperature $$T_{SRO}$$ is suppressed to 240 K. The results suggest that the Mn$$_3$$CoSi is close to the QCP in the Mn$$_3$$$$TX$$ system.


健全性崩壊をもたらす微生物による視認不可腐食の分子生物・電気化学的診断及び抑制技術の開発(委託研究); 令和4年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業

廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 物質・材料研究機構*

JAEA-Review 2023-031, 101 Pages, 2024/01




Multi-aspect characterization of low-temperature tempering behaviors in high-carbon martensite

Zhang, Y.*; 丸澤 賢人*; 工藤 航平*; 諸岡 聡; Harjo, S.; 宮本 吾郎*; 古原 忠*

ISIJ International, 64(2), p.245 - 256, 2024/01

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.02

As-quenched martensite in carbon steels needs to be tempered to restore its ductility and toughness for practical applications. During tempering of martensite, microstructural evolutions induced by a series of reactions relevant to carbon diffusion is known to occur. In this study, multi-aspect characterization using advanced techniques such as in-situ neutron diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and three-dimensional atom probe tomography, was performed to investigate the changes in tetragonality, physical properties, microstructure and solute carbon content in high-carbon martensite, with an aim to clarify its low-temperature tempering behaviors. A binary alloy with a chemical composition of Fe-0.78 mass%C was austenitized and quenched to prepare the as-quenched martensite, followed by tempering in continuous heating at different heating rates. It was found that various reactions occurred sequentially during tempering, starting from the structure modulation generated by carbon clustering in the 0th stage, then followed by the precipitation of metastable $$eta$$-carbide particles on linear features in the 1st stage, towards the later decomposition of retained austenite and precipitation of cementite in the 2nd and 3rd stages, respectively. After analyzing the experimental results, the solute carbon content in martensite tempered under various conditions was found to be in good agreement with that estimated from the lattice volume expansion, whereas the evaluation based on the tetragonality might lead to some underestimation of the solute carbon content in martensite tempered at high temperatures.


Analysis of the relationship between ambient dose, ambient dose equivalent and effective dose in operational neutron spectra

遠藤 章

Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 8 Pages, 2024/00



A Raman spectroscopy study of bicarbonate effects on UO$$_{2+x}$$

McGrady, J.; 熊谷 友多; 渡邉 雅之; 桐島 陽*; 秋山 大輔*; 紀室 辰伍; 石寺 孝充

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(12), p.1586 - 1594, 2023/12

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Raman spectroscopy was used to investigate the effect of bicarbonate solution on the hyperstoichiometric UO$$_{2+x}$$ surface oxide of UO$$_{2}$$ pellets. The hyperstoichiometry causes distortion of the UO$$_{2}$$ lattice, leading to the formation of defect peaks which arise in the Raman spectrum due to a loss of symmetry. By deconvolution of the defect peaks, the extent of oxygen inclusion and defect formation in the surface oxide as a function of bicarbonate concentration was investigated. Immersion in solution caused a reduction in the amount of interstitial oxygen due to dissolution U(V) and U(VI) in the UO$$_{2+x}$$ oxide surface. The defect concentration increased upon immersion due to the formation of an equilibrium between dissolution and reprecipitation. The bicarbonate concentration affected the defect content which was attributed to different forms of U in solution (hydrolysed UO$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$ and UO$$_{2}$$(CO$$_{3}$$)$$_{2}$$$$^{2-}$$) leading to different rates of reduction and precipitation.


Synergistic effect of aluminum lactate and sodium molybdate on freshwater corrosion of carbon steel under irradiation

大谷 恭平; 加藤 千明; 五十嵐 誉廣

Corrosion, 79(11), p.1277 - 1286, 2023/11

A novel corrosion inhibitor of carbon steel in fresh water using Al lactate was proposed and its corrosion-inhibition mechanism was investigated. 0.75 mM Al lactate and 0.25 mM sodium molybdate were the most inhibitive to the corrosion of carbon steel in 3 mM NaCl. Al$$^{3+}$$ and MoO$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$ in solution formed the metal cation layer on carbon steel with few defects, and the layer did not contain Fe. The metal cation layer on carbon steel inhibited both the cathodic oxygen reduction reaction and anodic iron dissolving reaction and thus enhances the corrosion protection of carbon steel in fresh water.


Estimation of continuous distribution of iterated fission probability using an artificial neural network with Monte Carlo-based training data

Tuya, D.; 長家 康展

Journal of Nuclear Engineering (Internet), 4(4), p.691 - 710, 2023/11



Measurements of capture cross-section of $$^{93}$$Nb by activation method and half-life of $$^{94}$$Nb by mass analysis

中村 詔司; 芝原 雄司*; 遠藤 駿典; 木村 敦

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(11), p.1361 - 1371, 2023/11

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:63.33(Nuclear Science & Technology)


1869 件中 1件目~20件目を表示